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Kaleidoscope of life

Over the years Laraine has developed a passion for photographic art, “seeing art in everything”. Her photographic style simply reflects seizing a moment in time.

An Australian Central Coast resident, Laraine Richardson has enjoyed a keen interest in photography since she was 8 years of age, using her mother’s Kodak box camera.

Her images are a vast variety of unique photographs capturing the kaleidoscope of life – the sea and the land, portraits and culture, the quaint and the quirky.

Extensive international travel reflects in her artworks.

Laraine’s eye for unique images caught the attention of Austrade in connection with a China Trade Mission. She was commissioned to provide a framed photograph entitled Pelican – the symbol for Gosford Shire which was presented to the Governor of Jinhua Province, China during the Australia trade Mission.

Her artwork has been exhibited throughout Australasia and can now be found in many offices and homes in the USA, Malaysia, New Guinea, China mainland, Vietnam and Australia wide.


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